kisui Berlin Collection (2024)

Top: Style Ama Chain

Details: Top: Style Ama Chain

The top “Ama Chain” makes modern bridal hearts beat faster.

It is elaborately hand-embroidered with a golden chain on the front and back, which represents a great graphic and yet moving pattern. The ends of the chain extend beyond the top and give you a great “roaring twenties” feeling while dancing. Absolutely unforgettable!

The top is high-necked in the front and has a slit in the back, which closes at the neck and below the shoulder blades with gold buttons.

The bridal top is available on request with a black chain.

It goes great with plain dresses like our Ama, Roxama or on the short Ama Skirt (like in the photos).

The top Ama Chain is vegan and made in Germany.

RRP: 990 Euro


Brauttop, Bridal Top

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